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Tiny Music Makers also offers Music Together® in school settings, if you are interested please contact us for more informations.















Why Music Together In School?


Since 1987, and in over 40 countries worldwide, Music Together has enhanced the lives of millions of children - and the grownups who love them. A pioneer in music curricula for early learning settings serving children from birth through age seven, Music Together's unique approach creates a play-based, developmentally appropriate, and musically rich environment that includes parent and teachers both at home and in school, regardless of their musical ability.


Music is valuable for its own sake. At any age, music-making nurtures mind, body, and spirit and it awakens, inspires, and comforts. It can even strengthen family and community bonds and offer profound joy to all ages. Music Together's primary goal is helping all children realize their inborn music potential and develop the music competence that opens the door to a lifetime of music participation.


Music Together's approach also fosters children's growth and development in many other areas essential to success in school and life, raising the overall quality of children's early learning experience in both class and at home. In addition to benefitting their cognitive, physical, language, social and emotional development, Music Together supports family engagement and parent-child relationships and gives teachers professional development opportunities they find inspiring and practical.


Also offered in parent-child classes and music therapy settings, Music Together is a comprehensive, high-quality music curriculum that can be integrated into any preschool, childcare center or public, parochial, or independent school.


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